Educational Material in Cyber Security
The GAMification and Education for Secure Software (GAMESS) is a project supported by the Ministry of Education to create competence building in cyber security.
What is our goal with GameSS?
Develop new courses and training materials for IT users
We want to develop new courses and training materials for users of digital products to raise their awareness of the IT security of the products they use and the best security practices to adopt.
Develop new courses and training materials for IT professionals
We want to support IT professionals (e.g., individuals with a background in computer science, software development or cybersecurity) to further their understanding of best security-by-design practices, thereby promoting IT security in the development of a new generation of digital products and their use.
Use a new and different approach
We want to use a new and different approach than existing training opportunities, inspired by the “Capture the Flag Competition”. The teaching material will be designed using a gamification approach. This includes developing challenges that students/practitioners must try to solve in a competitive environment. Solution certificates etc. are awarded to enhance the experience of competition.
Enhancing the defensive side mindset
We want to tackle not only the “attacking” aspect of cybersecurity, but also the defensive side. With this, we want to promote and test a new proactive mindset to tackle cybersecurity. Indeed, the idea behind attacking is to find a vulnerability or a weak point where the defensive mindset requires considering and securing all possible vulnerabilities for attacks.
Who is our target audience?
1. Ordinary IT users
2. Students
3. The continuing training sector
4. Enterprise IT professionals
5. IT and Software Developers
What topics will we cover?
Courses Offered by Industrial Partners
Partners behind the project
People involved
Jacopo Mauro
University of Southern Denmark
Peter Mayer
Assistant Professor
University of Southern Denmark
Jens Myrup Pedersen
Aalborg University
Shreyas Srinivasa
Ph.D. Doctoral Fellow
Aalborg University
Andrea Burattin
Associate Professor
Technical University of Denmark
Linda Mostrup Pedersen
Founding Partner
Alberto Lluch Lafuente
Professor & Head of Section at DTU Compute
Technical University of Denmark
Oksana Kulyk
Associate Professor
IT-University of Copenhagen
Alessandro Bruni
Associate Professor
IT-University of Copenhagen
Willard Rafnsson
Associate Professor
IT-University of Copenhagen
Sebastian Mödersheim
Associate Professor
Technical University of Denmark
Marco Peressotti
Associate Professor
University of Southern Denmark
Christoph Matheja
Associate Professor
Technical University of Denmark
I want to get in touch with you!
Send an mail to GameSS Project Lead, Jacopo Mauro: